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Friday, January 27, 2012

The Goldfish Smell...Like sin!

Dear Ladies,

Remember in the last post, I mentioned those goldfish I was dreading.   Well, they have proved me wrong once again!

To refresh your memory:

  • You know how I was hesitant to have them, but Joanna had her heart set on them.
  • My cheerfully, wonderful hubby was glad to get them for her.
  • Upon their arrival, Joanna gave them names that reminded me of what God has done in our family. Led to some wonderful conversations (see last post for full details).

So, I walked into her room to day and gagged.  It smells so bad in there.  My hubby is going to remedy the cloudy, stinky water with a filter system, but in the mean time I would like to borrow a gas mask.

I ask Joanna if she could smell it.  She confirmed that I was not crazy.

I told her that the smell reminded me of sin.  It is stinky.  

Then we talked about God's word and how God used smells to show us many things about worshiping Him, sin in our lives, and being restored to Him.
Our sin is smelly.

“I sent a plague among you after the manner of Egypt; I slew your young men by the sword along with your captured horses, And I made the stench of your camp rise up in your nostrils; Yet you have not returned to Me,” declares the LORD.

Noah offered a sacrifice to the Lord after getting off the Ark.  The Lord responded by blessing future generations even though they were sinners.

The LORD smelled the soothing aroma; and the LORD said to Himself, “I will never again curse the ground on account of man, for the intent of man’s heart is evil from his youth; and I will never again destroy every living thing, as I have done.

For the forgiveness of sins a sacrificial system was set up by God Himself.  He described what the priestly tribe should do to minister to the people before the Lord.  Notice how God describe the smell as soothing.

You shall take them from their hands, and offer them up in smoke on the altar on the burnt offering for a soothing aroma before the LORD; it is an offering by fire to the LORD.

when they enter the tent of meeting, they shall wash with water, so that they will not die; or when they approach the altar to minister, by offering up in smoke a fire sacrifice to the LORD.

then make an offering by fire to the LORD, a burnt offering or a sacrifice to fulfill a special vow, or as a freewill offering or in your appointed times, to make a soothing aroma to the LORD, from the herd or from the flock.


If people sin against God the smell is not soothing.
I will lay waste your cities as well and will make your sanctuaries desolate, and I will not smell your soothing aromas.

Sin can cause God to have to chasten us.  God gives earthly consequences for our sinfulness.  He loves us enough to do it and bring us back to Him.

I don't think her room is on God's hit list, but sinfulness is directly related to our access to God.   For those God has redeemed, called His own, a child of God, He will never leave us nor forsake us.  The Bible does talk about our prayers being hindered.  We may even feel far from Him.  Practicing any kind of sin has a way of doing that.  It quenches the Holy Spirits work in our lives.  

But God continues to mold us before Him.
As a soothing aroma I will accept you when I bring you out from the peoples and gather you from the lands where you are scattered; and I will prove Myself holy among you in the sight of the nations.

Creating a thanksgiving in our heart because of what Jesus has done.
But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.

and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.

Today, when we smell her room it reminds us that we are sinners, redeemed by God and that we can be a sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.

If you have a smell animal, feel free to use this.

PS  Joanna just walked up with a fist full of coins and say, "This is enough for 16 more Goldfish!"

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Christ is Faithful

Dear Ladies,

Do you ever look back at something you did with the kids that worked out really well?  Their little faces lite up when you showed them something about God.  You revealed something about their little hearts and it clicked.  Moments to live for.  Hope to repeat.

Maybe it was the way you taught them about selflessness or having a tender heart towards someone?  Was it the visit to a sick or lonely friend?  Was it the witnessing to the check out lady that started a conversation on the car ride home that you will never forget?

You think to yourself, I have to remember to do that again.  Then the timeline of history ticks by and you forgot all about it.  You forget to keep enjoying more of the same.

I think I forget that I am on assignment from God.  I move along life and forget it is for Him that I live.  I am wrapped up in the busyness of life because I am not looking for opportunities with my kids. I am not actively taking advantage of the God moments I am given.

How can I create moments with my children that I will remember?  That they will remember?

Recently, in a magazine article, there was a picture of this Mason jar with a decorative label that plainly stated the year 2012.  The idea was cute.  You write down on a piece of paper a special memory you had that year and when it happened.  You fold it up and place it in a Mason jar.  The article goes on to bring it out on rainy days, Thanksgiving time and read them to the kids.

That got me thinking.  How many times have I drawn a blank when asked to remember what I am grateful for in the last year, last month, or the last hour? Especially, if I am surrounded by chaos.  Dirty dishes, laundry up to my waist, kids taking each other down in the next room, my reaction in my heart to the kids taking each other down in the next room, the list could go on.

Now, it is all good and wonderful to remember what happened in our family during the year.  My mind just kept thinking about how I wanted to use that jar.  I could record the birthday parties, grandma's visit, or our lost dog was safely returned to us.  I think those are good.

I just keep hearing. . . Good, Better, Best, Never let it rest, until your Good is Better, and your Better is Best!

I want to remember the things done for Christ, by Christ and in Christ.

If I had a jar right now, I could put this in it from just this week:
  • Emma is faithfully reading her Bible in a Year.  Each night that I tuck her in, she is sitting up with her little light above her head, bible on her lap, smile on her face. What a beautiful image to go to bed with in my mind.  I will treasure this nightly sight in my heart.
  • Joanna named her three (.27 cent each) goldfishes. . . Miracle, Faith, and Promise.  When asked why, she simple stated that God produces Miracles in our lives, we need a lot of faith (the biggest fish received this honor), and God always keeps His promises. Precious. .27 fish received this.  This reminded me of the gospel.  I am a .27 cent goldfish swimming in the earthly world, then God gives me a name, believer, child of God.  He gives me a miracle, His son.  Jesus, who is worshiped day and night in Heaven, willing steps off His throne and becomes a sacrifice for sinners (such as I),  and provides a way for me to spend eternity with God.  Now, He looks at me as worthy to display His image, say His name, give Him glory.  
  • I prayed one morning that God would give my husband and I time to pray...Next thing I knew, Bob was asking if I wanted to pray.  I could only praise the Lord for His faithfulness to Himself.  He desires us to be before Him and enjoying Him, trusting Him, and surrendering to Him.
  • Emma played a hymn on the piano today that was so beautiful.  It made me think of the verse. . . make a joyful noise unto the Lord (which made me remember when she was born and upon her first cry, I recited that verse out loud).
I would have to be actively looking to see these things.  Slow down and take in the view.  With the busyness of life, I could have missed it.

I am to be reminded that only what is done for Christ will last.
These things could have easily gone by me especially the one about the goldfish.  I really didn't want another animal in the house. I was kind of dreading the idea.  My wonderful husband cheerfully helped our daughter, Ms. Joanna Doolittle (age 11) spend her birthday money on these goldfish.  Then these fish arrived home in their little airtight bag.  I was not as thrilled but this was all in motion.  You see, if I exercised some patience, God always shows me wonderful things.   Like their names, the conversation and the memory of it all. The goldfish could have been placed in the tank and that would have been all she wrote. Thank you Lord for so much more than that.

I know if I read just a few of these in the future, I will remember God is faithful.  Israel forgot that time and time again.  So do I.  You can even teach this to your children.  Help them see what God is doing in them and with those around them.  We know gratitude(Thanksgiving) and trust are two super nature things.  They don't just happen.  God makes them happen in hearts surrendered to Him. He gives us eyes to see and ears to hear.   Let us walk in His promises. Proverb 3:5-6, Colossians 3:15-16, Philippians 4:4-7.  We can believe His promises!

Now, where is an empty Mason jar?

"Hey children, someone make a label!  'Christ is Faithful'"

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New Year Resolutions Need to be Spiritually Rooted

Dear Ladies,

When the New Year rings in, there is this little voice in my mind saying you can start reading your Bible in a Year, start a healthy diet plan, and stay on your weekly grocery budget.  Why do I wait until the New Year?  

Then after awhile, I am too far behind to catch up in my Bible in a Year, I have had two or three doughnuts and I am 50.00 into next weeks food budget.  

What has happened to me?  Am I not committed enough?  Too discouraged to continue once I get behind?  Do I believe I need to wait until next year and get a better start? 

That is my list of excuses.  Sound familiar?  Maybe different resolutions but the outcome is the same.

What I need to do is put on my Jesus glasses and have a look around.  First, if I can apply God's word and principles to everything maybe I can look at it differently.  

Maybe I need to look at it differently!

Maybe reading God's word has become rigid and joyless.  Just like taking a car from point A to point B.  It serves it's purpose but it has become routine.

I need to pray about it first and asking for my joy back.   God loves to spend time with me in His Word but not if I am just doing it out of my duty.  He wants my heart involved.  If I were to give this a scriptural back drop, I could point to Martha and Mary.  Oh the Martha in me, sits me down, and gets it done.  If the Mary in me would stop and reflect on the wonder of my salvation, I would drop at Jesus' feet and hear every word He utters even in my Bible in a Year.

Maybe having a doughnut once in a while is not bad in itself.  I just want to make sure I am taking the time to give my family the advantages of good health.  I have the opportunity to teach my children the responsibility of eating healthy.  We all know someone who has Diabetes or Heart Disease.  The Bible says, 'Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?'
(1 Corinthians 6:19)

God has come to live in us.  In earthly terms, if we had an important person coming to our home to stay, we would fix up the guest room!  Clean sheets, fluffed pillows, maybe fresh water in a pitcher with a fancy glass on a tray near their bed.  You would plan and prepare some healthy meals while they were around.  Funny, the minute they leave, we order hamburgers and fries.  We don't eat like we did when our guest were with us.  At least that is what happens to me.

We do all that for our human guest, but for the Lord?  Lets face it.  We would not show the guest to the bed we put in the garage, heat up the oven and pop in frozen pizza and give used towels for their bath.  Sometimes, I treat my body with bad hospitality.  I guess I could improve in this area.  

Now, living within my means!  Lately, our finances have strapped us tight.  We are budgeting everything.  The other day, I was out with my girls.  Emma, my 13 year old, had the coupon binder that she has been maintaining for the last 6 months sitting on her lap.  She was going through the coupons one last time reviewing all our options.  

I could easily be worried and full of anxiety about being on a budget.  Having gone over  budget the last two weeks, I felt more compelled to make ends meet this time.  What I am sharing with my girls has been priceless.  They are learning to live with the challenges in creative ways.  I am so glad to see them trying to make the budget.  We are about $50.00 over  for the month.  I need to thank them and encourage them to continue in their faithfulness towards their earthly father.  

New Year Resolutions need to be renewed regularly making sure they are filtered through scripture.  They are more likely to become a habit if they are grounded in the principles God has given us.   If I had stopped and waited another year,  I would not be able to share any of this with my kids.  Just another opportunity to show my kids the real me.  Not perfect, but God still loves me.  All things are possible with God.