Sometimes life is just packed with Martha duties. Putting off the Lord and racing through the chores until they are finished. Are they ever finished?
We are preparing to have foster children join our family for as long as God sees fit. Rooms are being rearranged. The massive amounts of books in our home have been categorized and made into a small library in the upper family room. When I say small...I am kidding. The kids love it, but oh how time consuming a task.
I have been reorganizing the walk in pantry. Two bedroom are now reorganized. I am almost done and praising God for it.
It has been interesting to me how being Martha for these last few weeks has benefited my family in practical ways. Everything is organized! I can find stuff. I have de-clutter! But, I would not want to stay a Martha. You see, Mary knew the better thing. She learned at the feet of Jesus and like most well feed Christians, we can't help but blab about it!
During the past few weeks, I have been able to dispense wisdom to my children because of the grace of God and what He has planted in my heart to this point...Can you hear the BUT coming...BUT I would have liked to stop, look into their eyes, give all my attention and not be concerned about another box of books needing to be carried upstairs if I am ever going to get done!
My girls were gracious and understood the task I was undertaking. They helped and blessed me so much. Maybe because of their help, I am even more aware of not carving out time for them.
Mary had the sweetest job ever. To soak up the words of the God of the Universe, the giver of life, the creator of all we enjoy and see and she knew He was her Savior. I want that job. I don't want to put another chore in front of Him. After Him but not before Him.
I am sure to be enjoying my chores, every interruption, and ease robbing moment if I am enjoy my God first! You know it's true. Days when we fore sake time with Him are just way different then the days when we start with Him! Tomorrow, I am going to be a Mary! Pray for me as I will all the moms out there who fall into the same routine of chores first and can't seem to put Him first. After all, He has put you and I first. If we pray, we can over come!